Marine eDNA sampling begins for the Interreg SeaInsights project!

Our boat has become a small lab as we began our marine environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling for our Interreg project, SeaInsights. The goal of this project is to improve biodiversity monitoring using the latest technology in marine eDNA collection and analysis.
Our partners at DivjaLabs have creatively adapted the existing technology to fit our project goals and our boat. Together with our Italian partners at Dolphin Biology and Conservation and Shoreline, we are sampling the North Adriatic Sea, making this a coordinated international effort. We’ll keep you posted about our progress!

Projekt SeaInsights sofinancira Evropska unija v okviru Programa Interreg VI-A Italija-Slovenija / Il progetto SeaInsights è co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del Programma Interreg VI-A Italia-Slovenia / The SeaInsights project is financed by the European Union as part of the Program VI-A Italy-Slovenia.