Become a member
Become a Morigenos member and contribute to our efforts to preserve dolphins and their environment.
You can choose between different types of membership. Membership in the society is voluntary and is available to everyone.
By joining Morigenos, you become a supporting member. Such membership represents primarily moral as well as financial support for our Society. The supporting members only have to pay the annual membership fee and shall have no other duties in the operation of the Society.

Membership Type*
(for young people up to 14 years)
10 €
(for students)
15 €
(for adults)
20 €
(for seniors)
15 €
(for families)
50 €
*membership fee is valid for the current year
How do I become a member?
Please select a membership type.
Fill out the application.
Deposit your annual membership fee to our transaction account.
The account number is SI56 6100 0000 2549 604 and is opened at Delavska hranilnica. The reference is not necessary, but if it is required in some cases (e.g. when paying via the Internet), it can only be “00” or the current date (for 1.1.2011 the reference is “01012011”). You do not need to send us payment receipts, as we will receive a notification from the bank.